Are your staff happy to be in a building on their own?

Now it’s darker outside, are your staff happy to be in a building on their own?
When it's dark outside it does change how people feel when they are left on their own; opening up, locking up or just working late. Staff might not say anything, but actually the reassurance that someone is looking out for them goes a long way for staff well-being and morale. Even a minor incident can have a lasting impact on the individual and the company.
The MyTeamSafe® app reassures staff and protects the business at a tiny monthly cost, giving you a peace of mind knowing your staff are safe.
MyTeamSafe is the simplest way to ensure your duty of care for anyone that works alone, even occasionally.
HSE - In general, health and safety laws apply to all businesses, no matter how small. Employers are responsible for health and safety and need to take the right precautions to reduce the risks of workplace dangers and provide a safe working environment.
HSE - Managing health and safety is an integral part of managing your business. You need to do a risk assessment to find out about the risks in your workplace, put sensible measures in place to control them, and make sure they stay controlled.
Accidents do happen. MyTeamSafe® caters for multiple scenarios…
- Panic - If you have an accident, or need to raise a panic alarm, you can initiate this at any time.
- Check-in - During normal operation, everyone just checks in regularly, indicating that they are safe.
- Late - If you have an accident and can't reach your phone, or you are unconscious, MyTeamSafe® will detect that you have not checked in and escalate automatically.
If you don't check in within the right time your supervisor will be notified that you're late. This gives him/her a chance to act quickly and check your last location and then decide what course of action to take.
For example, in a high-risk role, you might be expected to check in every 20 minutes. If you are late, your supervisor will be notified. This gives your supervisor the chance to react, perhaps to call you, or other employees that may be working near you, or to start looking for you at your last known location.
You can assign your lone working strategy to your whole company, a group, or specific staff members.
It takes less than 15 minutes get setup and go live. A simple phone app with quick check-in at user defined intervals or Panic Alarm. Keep control with total flexibility. Suitable for all sizes of business. Central web dashboard allows you to manage & monitor users as well as their locations. MyTeamSafe even has documentations to help you setup your company in a more effective way which can benefit you and your business.
Staff feel significantly safer knowing their health and wellbeing is core consideration at all times. Apart from covering your corporate responsibility, staff are much more productive, with reduced absence if they feel they are valued and looked after. Even a minor incident can have a knock on impact on everyone’s health, trust and confidence in the company. MyTeamSafe ensures staff always feel safer when working independently. If an incident does occur it is managed by someone the person knows, not an impersonal call centre that doesn’t know the situation.
Tagged under: appduty of carehealth and safetylone working apploneworkermyteamsafepanicprotect loneworkersprotectionsafetystaffstaff out of the officesupervisortrust