Commuting Safety Tips

commuting safety tips – Feeling safe at work is one of the most important things when working especially when it comes to commuting to work.
MyTeamSafe wants to help spread awareness to Lone workers commuting to work.
Commuting Safety Tips:
Staying safe
Try to cross at traffic lights or zebra crossings.
Slow and steady wins the race. Accidents are more likely to happen if you rush around, especially when not looking carefully at a crossing.
Night working? – Make sure that you are visible to road users by wearing light colored or fluorescent clothing in the dark.
Be careful when walking between queuing vehicles at lights or in slowing moving traffic, motorbikes and cyclist filter through traffic and may not see you easily.
Watch out for people indicating late or leaving their indicator on. Always make sure you leave plenty of room when crossing in front of a vehicle that’s indicating you never know they may have forgotten to turn it off.
10 safety tips to make your commute to work stress-free
Carrying your workload
A rucksack is more comfortable on a walk rather than some bag slumped on your shoulder or carrying a bag all the way to work.
Try to keep your workload nice and light by carrying the things you really need.
Wear your rucksack nice and high this helps support the back and good posture.
Use both of the straps on your rucksack to keep good body balance.
Keep your hands free.
Planning your route
Check the weather, no one likes to walk in heavy rain or hail. You don’t want to leave the door without a coat and getting your day ruined by entering work like a drowned rat.
Explore! Try new routes back home and just enjoy your walk after a long day as this helps to relieve stress.
Try to avoid alleyways especially at night. As we all know some people don’t reach the other side without being mugged.
Find the best route, try timing your travel to find out which route gets you to work quicker and which one you enjoy the most!
What to wear
Try to avoid heels and sandals when walking to work this can begin to make your feet ache, walking to work in great fitted shoes or trainers with socks will give you nice support on your feet.
If it’s hot then use sun cream! There is nothing worse than working when sun burnt.
If its hot try wearing a hat, this will help keep the sun off your face when commuting to work.
Importantly! Make sure you are visible especially if you are walking back home in the dark.
Always prepare for rain, check the weather and bring a coat.
Walking in cold conditions
When walking in winter it’s very important to keep warm, but, what’s getting you to work? Your legs. Make sure you have got well-gripped trainers on to avoid slipping on ice.
Stick to the walk paths and avoid shortcuts because they can be the most slippery places to walk.
When planning your route try to plan the route that’s been gritted on pavements and footpaths. Maps of priority routes can be found on your local council website.
Commuting To Work Safely By Vehicle
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