Yellow Weather Warning Storm UK

The UK has been given a yellow weather warning by Met office.
MyTeamSafe wants to help spread the word on the weather warning issued by the Met Office Today.
This Storm will begin to develop at 6pm today 18/06/19 till 9pm tomorrow 19/06/19.
This map shows the perimeter of the UK and who is most likely to suffer from the yellow warning storm today and tomorrow.
According to the Met Office thunderstorms may develop bringing torrential rain, hail and lightning to a few places, with potential disruption to travel and flooding.
What To ExpectS
- There is a small chance that homes and businesses could be flooded quickly, with damage to some buildings from floodwater, lightning strikes, hail or strong winds
- Where flooding or lightning strikes occur, there is a chance of delays and some cancellations to train and bus services
- Spray and sudden flooding could lead to difficult driving conditions and some road closures
- There is a slight chance that power cuts could occur and other services to some homes and businesses could be lost
Staying Safe In a Thunderstorm
Before a thunderstorm
- Make sure to unplug any electrics to prevent power surges
- Make sure to seek shelter. Lightning can strike as far as 10miles from the center of the storm. If you can hear the thunderstorm then you are already within range of where the next ground flash may occur.
During The Thunderstorm
- Avoid using a telephone – Telephones can conduct high amounts of electricity.
- Avoid using sinks and taps – Electricity may be travelling within the pipes.
- Be aware of metal objects that can conduct or attract lightning, including golf clubs, golf buggies, fishing rods, umbrellas, motorbikes, bicycles, wheelchairs, mobility scooters, pushchairs, wire fencing and rails. If you are in a tent, try to stay away from the metal poles
- If outside avoid water and find a low-lying open place that is a safe distance from trees, poles or metal objects
Driving In a Thunderstorm
If you are caught up in a thunderstorm whilst in the car it is advised to keep the windows shut at all times. The car frame can act as a conductive. This passes the current around the passengers in the car and onto the ground. Leaving the windows open can put the driver and the passengers at risk.
- Cars can be damaged internally and externally.
- Convertible cars with fabric roofs are at high risk of setting a light if struck by lightning.
- Cars with metal pedals, steering wheels and car handles can carry an electrical current.
- If you have a modern car then you could find you have built-in GPS systems and stereo systems that when traveling in a thunderstorm could potentially blow the fuse. This is because a current can travel through most parts of the vehicle. It is advised to keep these turned off when travelling.
For more details about safety in thunderstorms then please read this interesting article by my GOV – Stay safe in thunder and lightning
Between 1962 and 1995, 184 deaths alone were caused by building failures resulting from the wind. The majority of damage reports come from domestic dwellings. The average cost of damage each year is at least £300 million*. – Travelling in storms, rain and heavy wind