UPDATE – Selectable check-in duration strategy

By General

As all our long-time users know MyTeamSafe’s clever tech team don’t rest for long. Previously we brought you the much requested “alternative” Supervisor. So you can specify a Deputy supervisor to be contacted if the main Supervisor marks themself as absent.

Now we’re bringing you the option to allow users to select their own check-in duration. No longer are you limited a strategy having a fixed check-in frequency eg ever hour etc.

Of course we’ve made it as simple as possible.

To activate the “user choice” duration for any strategy all you need to do is log into the dashboard, click on Strategy Management, select the strategy you want to update and tick the “User Can override” box (1).

(Of course if you want to give the user the choice select different strategies in the App, rather than only being allowed their default, you need to tick the “Show on mobile” option (2).

Then scroll to the bottom of the strategy and click on the green tick to save.

In the App

1 - Open the Strategy Selection window

2 - Select the strategy (which has “user can override” defined)

3 - Click on the check-in Value that you want this session (this duration will be used until you press stop)

The example above shows selecting a different strategy to the user’s default one.
If the user’s default strategy is “user can override” then when they press start they simply select the duration.


See who your Supervisor and Deputy is.
When you don’t have an active session running, the picture has been replaced in the app so you can now see who your default Supervisor and Deputy are.

Real-time reminders
Apple & Android constantly update their operating systems to help mobile speed and battery life. We have to work within these everchanging rules. For Android, exact notification times are now reserved for specific apps, like Calendars or Alarms.
Users should not notice any significant change BUT need to be aware on occasions, especially if the battery is low or battery saving features are turned on, there could be a delay in the APP check-in reminder notification.
Escalation (Voice, Push, Email and SMS notifications) are not impacted.

Email us your update suggestions to feedback@myteamsafe.com