Tracey; The Boss

Tracey is the Sales Director at BusyCo.
Tracey was worried about her staff being all over the country but not knowing they were ok.
Tracey knows her company has a legal duty of care for all her staff, especially the ones she can’t see. Out of sight, is not out of mind.
BusyCo used to use a manual check-in system where staff would call into the office. The problem was sometimes there was nobody available to pick up the call. Sometimes staff forgot to call-in. This just wasn’t right or safe.
Working with HR, Tracey changed the policy so staff would "text" in instead. This eliminated the issue of missing the call or it going to voicemail but still someone in the office had to constantly tick off every person when they texted in and call them up if not. This took a lot of time and still wasn’t fool proof.
Although BusyCo was trying to meet their legal requirements they knew it wasn't robust enough. The problem was other options were too complex or costly for their lower risk needs.

After doing her research Tracey found MyTeamSafe. A Lone Working solution that provided all the
functionality and flexibility the company needed but at a fraction of the price of other systems.

Now BusyCo uses MyTeamSafe for all lone working and home working staff, even if it’s just occasional lone working. MyTeamSafe is so simple to manage and cost-effective they know they are meeting their legal and moral obligations but also they have saved money trying to manage staff.
Tracey knows she will only be contacted if someone doesn’t check-in on time. A truly set and forget system so she can get on with her job, reassured her staff are safe.
When Tracey is in the office she sometimes logs into the Web dashboard to check all is OK. But when she’s out and about she was worried she couldn’t do this. MyTeamSafe’s unique In-App Dashboard means she’s got all the key information she needs, right on her phone.
One feature both HR and Tracey really loved about MyTeamSafe is that they can see where all lone working staff are, on one map. If some doesn’t check-in on time then it is easy to see who is the closest person to send to help and find out what’s going on.
Tracey is always busy with lots of notifications on her phone. Tracey was worried that she might miss an alert. MyTeamSafe’s unique Automated voice call feature reassured Tracey that she would never miss an important staff alert as her phone would ring and she would be told the information she needed to know.

BusyCo agreed they needed an automated system but wanted to keep control themselves. Many other solutions use Alarm Receiving Centres (ARC/Call Centres).
They don't have any high-risk works, so it's very unlikely they would need automatic Police response.
They were also concerned that remote call centres / ARCs wouldn’t know their business or their staff. The Sales team also said they would prefer a colleague to be looking out for them, not an impersonal call centre.
BusyCo looked at all the Lone Worker systems available and decided that MyTeamSafe was the best solution. Providing all the protection they needed, with greater flexibility but for a price significantly less.
Tracey is reassured, staff feel safer, HR is confident and Finance is happy.
Meeting legal obligations wasn’t so tough after all.
MyTeamSafe provides the perfect balanced solution for lower risk lone workers and home workers. If you have higher risk lone workers, were automatic Police response is likely to be required, then we would always suggest using a BS8484 registered company using a dedicated 24/7 Alarm Receiving Centre.
Does this sound like you or your organisation?
Simply click on the Green ? box, bottom right, to get in touch.

Read Dave’s story about his concerns of being a lone worker