Carers and social workers are visiting different people throughout their shifts but do their employers know that they are safe? What happens if they have an accident or find themselves in a vulnerable position?
The amazing benefit and critical importance of Home Care (Dom Care) / Supported living and Social workers to both society in general and to the individual, should never be understated (we have firsthand experience). But all too often the focus can just be on the quality of the Care / Support and the assessment of outcomes.
Underlying this “quality” are complex combinations of ever changing risks;
travelling between locations, the internal and external environments, the client’s mental and physical health needs, dealing with family members and even the behaviour of individuals outside the property.

Although these areas, individually, can be risk assessed it is almost impossible to control their daily interrelationship. Without a robust safe system of work, these variables can turn from manageable risks, for both the employee and the manager, into underlying significant stresses, fatigue and errors.
MyTeamSafe has been specifically designed to reassure staff and support the business. The smartphone app allows quick check-ins at predefined intervals, reflecting the level of risk that has been defined. There’s a Panic Alarm if things aren’t right. If there is a low signal area then everything still works via Text/SMS.
Supervisors are only informed if a situation is out of line, by push notification, text or email, so you don’t have to constantly monitor. Although there is a simple web dashboard that can be used to see where all users are and if they are safe.
At MyTeamSafe we believe that most roles are not intrinsically dangerous, we all just want to be safe. We believe you should always be in control and you know your staff, situations and business better than costly, impersonal Call Centres / Alarm Receiving Centres (ARC).

Although MyTeamSafe’s popularity is more often associated with Homecare rather than Assisted living / Care homes these organisations do also benefit from a robust cost-effective lone working solution, particularly for Night shifts where staffing levels are lower spread over a large area and you need to know people are regularly active.
We are totally transparent with our pricing. No “Contact Us for Prices”, setup costs or extra charges. Why not start a Free trial and find out the easy it is to set up, manage and protect your staff and your business today.
As an example depending on the number of staff you have, you could choose the Team Pro plan for 15 employees at £450 per year. The Enterprise plan, for up to 50 employees, at a cost of £2500 per year is designed for larger organisations with large constant 24/7 operations.
Start your FREE Trial today and immediately protect your employees & your business.